The Paper
Free Office
dream or reality?
Since the invention of the typewriter, offices have been
drowning in paper. Painstakingly typed letters with
barely readable carbon copies filled desks and cabinets
until the arrival of computers and photocopiers. But
they just made things so much worse. Thankfully, in the
email, internet and socially connected world of today,
the paper letter is at last falling away. But the
favourite tool of administrators the world over has
always been the form. We use it to collect data, to
carry signatures, to drive the business process, and to
provide an auditable record of the outcome. As we shall
see, each of those functions can be readily carried out
in all-electronic formats, but until recently, the paper
form has been somewhat stubborn in its hold on even the
most modern offices.
In this report, we look at the success of
paper-elimination projects, where and why paper is still
leaking into the business, the features and success of
scanning and capture investments, forward plans for
document process outsourcing (DPO), and the potential
impact of mobile devices.