Intelligent Imaging for Improved Banking Performance and
A Secret Weapon in a Real Time World
Banking is undergoing a massive shift that began with
the automated teller machine, continued with online
banking, and is now accelerating with the advent of
mobile computing. It wasn't that long ago that banking
customers were limited to the branch on Main Street.
Teller services were confined to the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“banker’s hours” of the 1800’s and loan approvals
proceeded at a stately, unhurried pace. But today,
customers are free to do their banking from anywhere and
at anytime. Indeed, the very idea of visiting a branch
is becoming an antiquated notion – most of us opt for
the drive-up ATM instead. Driven by smart phones, iPads
and 24/7 connection to the Internet, bank performance
these days is less about a physical branch experience
and more about the real time experience customers have
when interacting with the firm.