Medical Loss Ratio by Straight-Through-Processing with
Oracle Health Insurance Components
With the steady increase of healthcare costs, health
insurance payers are challenged to find new ways to
reduce cost. As a payer, you have three ways to achieve
this: reduce reimbursement, reduce coverage or reduce
the cost of running your business. The first two options
shift the cost towards providers and members and are not
viable in a competitive marketplace. Making the third
option – reducing the medical loss ratio – an attractive
choice. Any payer strives towards a claims
administration where straight-through-processing is the
norm. Yet, not many payers get to boast
auto-adjudication rates higher than 95%. In fact, many
payers do not even come close. And given the volume of
claims in health insurance, even if you achieve an
autoadjudication rate as high as 95%, that still means
you have to deal with (tens of) thousands of claims that
can’t be processed without some kind of intervention.
Learn how Oracle Health Insurance Components can boost
auto-adjudication and give you the flexibility you
require to achieve operational excellence. July 2015.